Marvel VS DC (Movies)

I love all the superhero movies which have been coming out in the last few years and there is, of course, two title holders in this fight. DC comics with Superman and Batman, and Marvel with characters like Ironman, Thor and Captain America.
Normally I wouldn't bother trying to compare two companies like these, but I'm far too tempted not to.
It just seems that DC has a better artistic touch with their movies. Although, I do think that Christopher Nolan has a huge impact on that. Anything he touches seems to turn to gold, and he's put his bat in with DC.
Don't get me wrong though, I love the Marvel movies too, especially when they're all put in a group to form The Avengers. The dynamic between the characters is impossible not to laugh at and truly enjoy.
What's sparked this out of the blue post is that I watched Man of Steel last night. It was a good movie, if not a bit long in the final action scene. I enjoyed it none the less. What I did take note of however, was the personal touches that it had that Marvel seems to lack a little. The filmography was done with people in mind. Simple shots of a dogs face or rain filling up a bucket of pegs.
Being a writer, I knew immediately that they were trying to endear the character and situation to the viewer, but IT WORKED.
The muscle bound figure of Henry Cavill suddenly seemed soft, warm and homely. The character of tough as boots Superman was given a soft, family orientated side. Maybe it's just because I'm a girl, but I thought the effect was brilliant to add to a story everyone knows. It's moments like that when I think that Marvel needs to pick up the ball without dodging it. Emotion is a human condition. It's what it means to be alive, so sometimes a simple action flick isn't enough. Sure, it'll make money, but it won't make loyalty, and if you're trying to do what Marvel is doing, you need loyalty.

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