Number Two

While I'm still in the editing stages of my first 'Vatican' book, the second in the series is starting to take some sort of form. I've been writing my ass off, and my summer holidays have allowed me to get an average of five pages done per day. That's even taking into account the odd day where I'm unable to fit writing into my day.
The second book develops the tale of the two sisters, Rhiane and Abigail. The younger of the two, Abigail, plays a greater part in this book compared to the first book, and her character is developed into a more solid entity. The trials of the girls continue with a new list of friends and foes added into the fold.
Relationships across the board reach greater depths and new understandings. Rhiane's workmates become people with history and stories of their own to tell. Their histories are worked into the second book, at times in very emotional ways. Where the first book explains some of what the main men went through, the second book will delve deep into their mental states.
I'm still working on an appropriate title for the second book in this series, but while I'm working on the skeleton of the second book, here's another snippet of the first installment. In a previous post I promised a snippet from the thirteenth chapter, so now I'm delivering on that promise.

“Get your questions out of the way quick so I can give you some morphine.” He said and Anton grabbed a chair, pulling it closer to the bed.
“Barney thought you were dead, what happened?” I asked with my voice slightly squeaky. I was so happy to see him.
“I was knocked unconscious. They’d called a med team before they left to get help. If they hadn’t made that call, I’d be dead, but if they hadn’t left, Zeb, Cass and Tech would be dead.” He said and his smile had something hidden in it.
“What else is there?” I asked and he looked down, away from me.
“You almost died. Literally, your heart stopped twice. There was so much internal bleeding. We all thought we’d gotten you killed.” He said and I just lay there for a moment and looked at him.
“It’s something that comes with the job. When I agreed to take the job, I knew what I was getting into, I knew I could have near death experiences, or even get killed.” I replied and he looked up at me and shook his head.

As always the copyright belongs to me. I hope you enjoyed this brief extract.