
As Christmas passes the world by and leaves us for another year, festivities begin for the build up for new years.
Personally, this is one of my favourite times of year. Every one around me is winding back and beginning to relax after a long year and a lot of hard work. With a well earned Holliday in store for most, the mood is highly enjoyable.

I wish all the happiness that everyone can take as 2011 comes to a close and 2012 comes to great us.

The Matrix

This series of movies did very well when released and still remain very popular, but what I now enjoy most about them is a screensaver which has been created to mimic the code in the movies. It prevents images burning into your screen and is nostalgic of the movie enterprise.
The screensaver is freeware on windows, as far as I am aware, and in a way is freeware on mac too. However, on mac you get an annoying little message that pops up asking you to register, saying if you register the message will go away. The registration price is $10 american, or close enough.

Bellow are links where you can download this screensaver if you're interested.
Mac: http://download.cnet.com/3D-Matrix-Code-Screen-Saver/3000-2257_4-66656.html

Here's a screenshot from the Windows version

Poetry: A Result of a Bad Day

So when I'm stressed, angry, upset or just down, I often write. A couple of months ago I decided to turn my difficult day into poetry. Although I think the result was slightly creepy (in a way), I kind of like it.
So here it is, one of the poems I created out of a very insecure and bad mood.

The dispair is gripping, powerful,
It exceeds all rage or anger
Happiness is only a distant dream
An idea set in the mind to taunt and tease
Unable to breathe through the tightness
A struggle to simply exist
A complete wonder
An absolute and strange ability
To hide and stay hidden
No one knows or notices
Or maybe they just don’t care
How could they
How could they care for the dead
For that’s what it’s like
Being dead,
Only still managing a breath
A single rasping, choaked, imposible breath
A slight imitation of living. 


This is a subject that I'm very passionate about. The main reason I feel so strongly about this topic is because I've been the target of bullying. Unfortunately, and I'm not proud to say it, I have also been the bully. There's no excuse for bullying, even low self esteem. I learnt this through means that most don't. I managed to identify my own actions and link them to the cause. Although I wasn't the one actively doing the bullying, I supported the bully. I'm fully aware that sometimes supporting the bully is worse than bullying itself, and can be classed as such.

I know that there's been a lot of talk about bullying in the media recently. Bullying statistics are increasing, and so are the effects of it. People may say that racism, sexism and homophobia are decreasing in our communities, but many aren't seeing these effects. Homophobic bullying has led to many children either despising who they are, or committing suicide. Bullying cuts deep, which ever way you look at it.

I've seen the many, nasty forms it comes in. It doesn't matter the tactics that are being used, the results are all the same. The victim will forever know what it's like to know that torment, they'll forever be fighting not to let that affect them again.

One of the few ways to get through bullying is to have a good support system. But no matter how much teachers and support people tell you to tell someone, or ignore it, that's usually easier said than done. Teachers themselves have been known to be the problem. They see a child that they don't know how to deal with and label them as a trouble maker. I must stress that most teachers in good schools don't do this. However, it is prevalent in small schools. I've been to both a big school and a small school. The differences are vast and very noticeable.

Although bullying can make you stronger, for a lot of people it doesn't have that effect. Eating disorders and self harm can be linked to childhood bullying. Being different isn't a crime, it's everyones right. We're entitled to be unique, to express ourselves how we wish. It's a civil responsibility to protect the wounded, and the minority. Life's an experience for all of us, no one has the right to ruin another persons journey.

Unfortunately, some forms of bullying are not identified or understood. Favouritism by parents is as bad as bullying.
Either way you swing it, bullying is horrid, and although lots is being done, not enough is getting through. I may be just one person, but I beg every one of you who reads this to stop and think. Be honest with yourself. Have you done enough to stop bullying? Could you do more?
Please, I'm not asking for a miracle, all I want is to maybe help one person, and inspire someone to do the same. If we all do one small thing, it'll snowball, maybe we'll see the change we need.

Two of the anti-bullying organizations which I whole heartedly support are; Wipeout Homophobia On Facebook (W.H.O.F) and the Anti-Bullying Coalition (ABC). Their both on Facebook, and I really believe in the work they do. The links to both are bellow.



Uni Application

A couple of days ago I heard back about my application of a Bachelor in Midwifery. The email pretty much said that, though they thanked me for applying, they could not accept me.

Now I've just got nursing as a back up. I've also gone through the process of applying to two more universities which offer nursing courses, just in case.

I just thought I should give a quick update on what was happening with this as I know I've written about my applications before. 

The Game

So I have no idea how popular 'The Game' is anywhere other than where I live. Almost anyone in my age group knows what the game is and plays it with dedication, although that's very difficult to do.

The object of the game is not to think about it, as soon as you do, you loose. How I've been taught to play it is that, after you loose it, you get a thirty minute grace period before it starts again. You're forever trying to forget about the game, and often that is what makes you loose it. Another rule is that if you loose it you have to announce it to the world. With a large group of people playing it's difficult not to loose.

Anything could make you think about the game, whether it be music, movies, TV or other people, once you start playing you pretty well can't avoid it anymore.

So I guess I just made a whole lot of people loose, and I lost myself... time to start over. 

Guy Fawks 2011

Guy Fawkes this year was one of the best I've seen during my time. Many members of my family came together for a night which we will all remember for a while to come.

My guy Fawkes began with a lot of hard work. It started with the beginnings of landscaping. Lugging buckets of compost and pumas up and down a hill while my parents dug holes and planted tree seedlings. It may sound simple but it was harder than I'd expected it to be.


After All the hard work was done the festivities could begin. We had a massive bonfire and more fireworks than I could count. Overall, even including the hard work, the day was one of the best I'd had in a long while.


That Time Again

So, once again its time for me to study for and sit exams. After doing this for so many years running its kind of become routine for me at this time of year. However, this year is slightly different to all those other times. This year I also have something else to think about... getting into Uni.

About a week ago I got a notification telling me that my application is being processed. This afternoon I got an email from the HOD of the midwifery department at AUT to say I needed to book a time for an interview, so this I have done. There is one problem that I could encounter while trying to get into this course... one of the requirements is to have a full New Zealand license. I don't even have my learners yet.

I could have probably seen this coming as midwives do travel a lot in the line of duty, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they'll consider my application even with that small snag. I have also applied to study nursing as well, for a back up plan. So even if I don't get into the course this year, I'll apply again and eventually they'll have to let me in.

Anyway, I've got one more internal assessment (assignment), eight more school days, then study leave. So I've actually really only got just over a week left of high school... ever. It's kind of a daunting prospect. Again I'm faced with the fact that I'm stepping into the unfamiliar, but I'm excited.

The way that the New Zealand education system works means that I need to get a certain amount of credits to pass the year. Its sort of like getting points for passing assignments and tests. Although not every test gives me these credits I've still managed to work up a reasonable amount. I do also need a certain amount of credits to get into university. This rides almost entirely on my end of years. It was simply not possible to get enough throughout the year not to rely on them.

I'm fully aware that thousands of other New Zealand teenagers are going through situations very similar to my own at the moment. I want to wish everyone good luck, and I hope you get the results desired. I'd say it to everyone anywhere else in the world, but I don't know how many countries schedule the school year around the calender like New Zealand does. But I'll say good luck for when it applies anyway.

Two Simple Words

So I've been thinking lately. Recently my life has changed so much and I've been put in many stressful situations, forcing me to lean on those I trust and care about.

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank every single person who has been there for me... whether in a big way or small. I'm fully aware that there are people out there who don't even realise how much support they gave me. I'm also very aware that some people continue to give me support without question. It's two simple words but I needed to say them.

For anyone who listened, read, cared or even just gave me the time, I wanted to extend a heartfelt thank you. I'm sure people will read this and see me as odd but I hope to let people know that I'd like to repay the favour. If there's anyone out there who just needs a thought, know I'll be there, with a helping hand, if wanted or asked for.

For anyone I've lost contact with, anyone I've ever cared about, you'll be welcome in my home and life if you're intent is good.

I don't want to sound like some sort of sop, but I'm sure I do. However I appear, I'm almost certain it needed to be said.

Elven Mystics

Time for another extract of my writing.

The following piece is actually from the second book of a series. It's one of the first story-lines that I actually wrote, which makes it not quite as good as it could be. Simply because I've developed better writing skills since doing this. I hope you enjoy it.

This is from the perspective of the one of main characters, Keaten. The character, Elensa, is Keatens' partner who he thought had been killed thirteen years earlier.

A knock at my door was the last thing I needed but was what I got. I opened my door to Magenta, and behind her the woman. Neither of them had changed since I last seen them.
“Keaten we need to talk.” Magenta said and the woman behind her looked up at me like something inside her heart was broken. I nodded slowly and moved aside for them to come in. Both women wore the same dress. It was a grey-blue satin that moved around them like liquid and only just touched the floor as they walked.
I offered them a seat and sat down in the seat opposite to them. The woman looked at the floor and Magenta steered at me harshly.
“Why did you turn her away last time Keaten?” Magenta asked and I opened my mouth but no sound came out.
“I think it’s obvious why he turned me away Magenta.” The woman said and I looked at her. She did look so much like Elensa. She looked up and our eyes met. “How can you not see me?” she whispered and silent tears rolled down her cheeks.
The front door opened and Phoenix called from the hallway. He paused in the doorway of the lounge as soon as he saw the women across from me. I never lifted my eyes from the woman and she never broke my eye contact.
“What are you doing here?” Phoenix hissed and I turned to him. His face was thin with rage. The woman turned to him and I watched as the colour drained from her face and her face became afraid.
“I’m trying to make amends.” She whispered and flinched at the look he gave her.
“Phoenix, what’s going on?” I asked and he turned to me.
“She’s trying to get back into your life after abandoning you.” He said harshly, motioning towards her.
“I NEVER abandoned him, I had no choice.” She said getting to her feet, now she looked pissed as well.
“The moment you chose to join them,” He said motioning to Magenta “was the moment you abandoned him.”
“I never chose this. I would never have wanted to be away from him, and my daughters, for so long. Never!” She yelled back at him, angry tears seeping from her eyes.
“Wait a moment,” I said and she turned to me while I looked at Phoenix, “you knew that she was alive and you let me believe that I had lost her forever?”
“This is not their fight Phoenix. This is between your people, my sister and I. Do not punish them for Jeans and my mistakes.” Magenta said calmly.

Thanks so much to those who took the time to read this. I would really like to ask that you leave your thoughts on this below. Thanks again. 

His Legacy Shall Live

Steve Jobs. There's not really much I could say about such an amazing man.
I hope that wherever he is now that he's happy, he deserves it.
His legacy shall live on with every ground-breaking item that Apple releases to the world.

The Fluid Of Life

Ending up with a fairly substantial bruise on my arm was the result of my generous act for the month.
Giving blood is something that many people are skeptical of, for understandable reasons. Who wants to have a needle stuck in their arm for twenty minutes with no apparent reward?

Everyday I see advertising for people to give blood, and with so many restrictions on who can give blood I'm not surprised they never have enough. To be honest I'm not sure I fully thought it through before I did it last week. I was sure I'd be helping someone, but I failed to realise until I actually got really close to the event, that needles would be involved. I know that logically they'd have to use needles, but my conscious mind and logic didn't quite meet up on that day. However, I am glad they didn't because it allowed me to doubt my decision less.

So many people find themselves in positions where they need blood transfusions. Although some people choose not to receive transfusions, no matter their reasons, the majority take them willingly and thankfully. Giving blood saves lives. It really is as simple as that. For a little inconvenience, and on my part discomfort, another human being gets to keep their life for a little while longer. I really am a huge advocate for blood donation. Those who are able to do it, really should. It's just another way to help the community.

It does also give an incentive when a number of countries will pay you to to donate that fluid of life.

The Power of Networking

First thing's first. I would like to thank all those people who read this blog, and especially those who come back again.

I bet most people who will read this blog will have come across it via some form of social networking. With posting links to this site on Facebook and Twitter I've realised just how amazing a tool social networking can be. An hour after my younger sister posted a link to my blog asking people to visit, my page views jumped by eight (for me that's no easy feat).

Although my posts don't get as much attention as I would like, I am fully aware that I haven't been blogging for that long. I've also come to realize that one sure way to get people looking is to keep posting. I can't explain the appeal of blogging. Really, I never thought it would be something I would get into, but as a writer I've found it slightly gripping.

I enjoy the ability to share my views with other people, even if they only get to a small number of people. I must say, however, it is a really good way to hear opinions from family and friends on matters I've posted on. Where some people think it odd of my to blog, others have told me they think it rather cool, that they see a side of me when I write that I don't express as well while I'm talking normally.

Facebook is a regular site visited by many people, and is only becoming more popular. Social networking has become such a success that even google has got on board, developing +You.  Unfortunately I haven't been able to check out this new addition to the google franchise as of yet but I hope to soon. Most of what I use over the Internet is google related and I am a bit of a fan. I'm very interested to see for myself how they have interpreted the concept.

I also find Twitter a useful tool. On the odd occasion when my web surfing hasn't come up with what I want or need, all I have to do is ask over twitter. More often than not I'll get a reply fairly rapidly and my problem is solved. However, I do usually just text my techno-savvy brother for help and he seems more than happy to lend a hand, (thanks big bro).

Lastly, for this post, I'd like to thank readers again. Every view, comment or link I get to my blog makes the process worth it. I can't express how people simply looking at my blog brings an odd sense of happiness and motivation. I would really like to ask people to comment however, as I do really want to know what people think, even on the most trivial thing.

Perhaps it's their Monopoly

Those of who live in New Zealand will most likely be familiar with the overly expensive communicative services provided in this country.

                                It's widely agreed that the reason that cell phone usage can cost so much is because there's only two main contenders in the market. Telecom and Vodafone have control over pretty well all the services provided in New Zealand. Even though 2 Degrees attempts to provide a reliable and cheep service they can only do so much as they have to rent the use of the equipment from Telecom, although through my net surfing I did find a website which said they were going to develop their own network, but I have to admit I have no idea how reliable this information really is.

So overall I don't have much of a problem with the services they provide, but I know many do. All three networks have their fans and those who really don't like them. I've only really doubt with Vodafone so couldn't give a well-informed, unbiased view on the other two. But from talking to several people about their preferred networks, 2 degrees seems to come out on top.

What I want to know is what people think of the networks in their area, no matter where you are. Would you say the tele-communicative services are adequate, overpriced... etc? Please give what you truly think, I'd really love to know.

At it Again

A couple of years ago my older brother introduced me to a computer game which I found absolutely addictive. Unfortunately we got a new computer which wasn't compatible with it.
The game I'm talking about is Unreal Tournament.

(This image is not mine)

I may not be the biggest gamer in the world, in-fact I wouldn't even call myself a gamer, but after recently getting it again I got hooked, again. I try my best not to play it too much but I'm still finding myself playing for about three hours a day, minimum. So trying to cut down the time I spend on it, I emirs myself in anything else I can think of. Homework, cleaning, music, Facebook. I tried everything I could think of and still I came back to the game.

The version I've got at the moment may be out of date (2004), BUT it's still all too easy to keep playing. It doesn't help the no gaming motivation when most of anything I can do on my computer is exactly that. It also doesn't help that several people I'm close to are avid gamers. Although no one I know plays Unreal the gaming culture is still there.

My newly reestablished like for the game got me thinking. How big is the gaming community? I don't game online as our Internet connection is too small, and I don't think I'd be good enough not to be beaten every time. But it's because of this that I don't know how popular it is. I assume it's a big market, or why would developers come out with new ideas so regularly?

Almost everyone of my generation has tried gaming at some part of their life. Whether it Xbox, PlayStation, the computer, or something else I can't think of, the culture is growing. Once upon a time I wouldn't have dreamed of sitting in front of a computer pretending to kill things. There are so many popular games that are referenced in everyday life. The ones I've heard most regularly are World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Call of Duty and Halo.

I've played many different games in my day, such as Rise of Empires, Warcraft (the earlier version of World of Warcraft), and even Roller-coaster Tycoon, but none of them got me as addicted as Unreal has. I don't know what it is about this particular game which is almost impossible to give up. I'm sure I could do it but it would be like trying to give up coffee. I'd just come back to it because I'd prefer not to go through the withdrawals. I enjoy it too much to give it up entirely.

(This picture is not mine either)

Somehow I knew I'd get hooked again just before I got it for the second time but I didn't really care at the time. I didn't think it would have any noticeable effect on my life, but I was sadly mistaken, (or happily depending on how you view it).

I'm pretty sure that I could put the whole gaming community to shame with my lack of skills if I ever claimed to be part of it. Thankfully that's not what I'm doing. I'm simply trying to add a sort of warning who's leading a busy life not to get into gaming. IT IS ADDICTIVE. But I also sorta want to promote the game. I LOVE IT.

That's all this is really about.


This is one subject which annoys me at the moment. Everywhere one turns, all I can see is ads for the Rugby world cup. I for one NEVER liked rugby in the first place. I recently had the game described to me as a group of men in shorts casing after a ball, (told you I'd use it) :)

Anyway, I thought this description was perfect. It seems half the population has gone made over a game that really isn't that entertaining. What has made it worse, for me and half my generation in New Zealand, is that the government thought it would be a good idea to change the school terms around. Now in my last year of high school I have even more stress imposed on me.

So maybe I'm venting, but I'd love to hear peoples opinions. I surly can't be the only one not liking this. I know I've talked to many people. No one I've spoken to is actually looking forward to it. Most people seem to just want it to end. I personally, cannot wait.

T.V, billboards, radio, you name it, and they'll be talking about it. Rugby may be labeled as our national sport, but I haven't spoken to one person recently who likes it anymore.


The story of the band 'Creed' is one of great success. With every album they produced making the charts, they shot to fame in the late nineties. Only nine years after the release of the bands debut album they split up. This left a fan base wanting more.

In 2009 the band released an album titled 'Full Circle'. This symbolized the reformation of Creed. They're also due to release another album later this year. I, for one, am hoping this album will include a world tour because I'd absolutely love the opportunity to see them live.

My fingers are firmly crossed. 

1000 Top Rock Songs of All Time

Some people may instantly be able to deduct what this post will be about from its title. Others, most likely those who don't live in New Zealand, wouldn't have had the pleasure.

Every year one of the national radio stations, The Rock, does a count down of the top 1000 rock songs of all time, as voted by their listeners. The countdown takes about two weeks and, in my opinion, this is the best time to tune in. This year did not disappoint. Although I didn't listen nearly as much as I would've liked, mostly to the fact the my radio is faulty, I heard most of my favorite songs.

The best part of the countdown is the party during the last day. While some have pre-dawn starts to tune in, I just make the top ten a priority. During that last dash sprint, a lot of dancing and singing ensued. With the countdown coming to a close the Friday just been, I decided to make a play list of the songs that appeared on it. Happily I have the majority of these songs, it's just down to finding the time and patience to sift through the rest of my music to find them. So far I've only got about a tenth of the way through, but it still makes for a good compilation.

Each year the top ten doesn't change all that much, just the general order. This year I couldn't dispute the songs in the top ten, but if it were up to me I would have changed the order. The top ten is as follows:
1. One by Metallica
2. Everlong by Foo Fighters
3. Master of Puppets by Metallica
4. Killing in the Name by Rage Against the Machine
5. Sober by Tool
6. Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin
7. Enter Sandman by Metallica
8. Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd
9. November Rain by Guns 'N' Roses
10. Back in Black by AC/DC

Metallica generally dominates the top ten and this year showed this. Although it's becoming more common to hear someone say they don't like Metallica, I think it's still evident how popular they are. However, the band which dominated the whole countdown, with the most songs, was the Foo Fighters. They were followed by Pearl Jam, AC/DC, and yes, Metallica.

As a whole listening to the radio in the past few days has been very enjoyable. Although, next year I have to remember to vote before tie runs out.


So, this topic has been on my mind a lot recently, so I figured, why not blog it? I was brought up with this being a semi-regular family activity. I've got many fond memories revolving around this activity and hope to make many more as another trip is in the planning process.

This time however, will be different to any other trip I've taken. It won't be a family affair this time. Organizing this trip has only made me realize even more how very soon I'll be stepping into a world completely new to me.

Okay, so our first choice was, were do we go. We're half way through the decision being made. There's about four places being considered, with the major thing being cost. With renting a camp site being between around eight and twenty dollars a head it's something that has to be considered thoroughly. The fact that there could be around thirty of us, makes the choice more difficult.

The next thing to consider is that there is only a handful of us who have actually been camping outside of our backyards. This means that even more emphasis has to be expressed over how to keep ourselves safe. It's becoming very apparent that structured jobs will have to be allocated to people depending on their skill sets. The fact that there is also only a handful of us with cars, makes transport when we're there a bit of a problem too. We've worked out how to get there and back but if an emergency crops up this could become a real problem.

Another thing to think about is who is bringing what. Where we will probably all contribute to food, not everyone has the equipment required. We're finding that we're having to be very specific with numbers to be able to fit everyone in the tents that people do have. Lists are being written revolving around what we'll need to take. After this I think we'll have to allocate stuff to certain people.

Even with all the considerations that need to be made, only some of which are said above, the attitude around the trip is remarkably positive. People are excited, more so as the time gets closer and the organization is getting further along.

For anyone wanting to take a trip when summer comes, I'd really recommend considering camping. It's not to everyone's taste, but it's something I'd say everyone should do at least once in their life. Just pick your site carefully.


Okay, so there's now a movie which I would not recommend. The reason I wouldn't is because of how... strange it is. I actually found it slightly disturbing. I think the over all concept was good, and could have made for a good movie, but specific events in the film made me wonder how sick the person who wrote it would have to be. Of course this is just my personal opinion.

This movie that I'm talking about is 'Splice'. It's all about a couple of scientists working in the field of genetic manipulation and cloning. After some talk with their superiors, who did not approve, this couple decides to mix human DNA into their next experiment. The following events cause problems for everyone, except the superiors who had denied them permission to make such a thing. This 'creation' is hidden from the worlds eye and is raised like a child of the scientists in secret, until it all goes wrong.

Admittedly, this movie did keep me guessing. Usually I'm reasonably perceptive about movies and can figure out what's going to happen in them fairly quickly. I put this down to the writer side of me. However, I do also think I didn't know what was going to happen because I actually found it morally wrong to even suggest certain things that happened in this film. In a way they weren't that bad, but I still thought it crossed a line.

It certainly did a good job of raising questions revolving around the manipulation of genetics and mixing of animal DNA. Where does the line stand? How does a person decide when enough is enough? Most importantly, who police's such a thing? In a capitalist society could moral codes be ignored for the purpose of progress and profit. I think they are. This movie had a weird yet effective way of showing that.

Maybe in the future this movie could be remade to suit those of us who are a bit more uncomfortable with it currently. The concept and moral is sound, I just think the execution was poor.

Something About the Classics

Of all the music around, what could be called the greatest, the most enduring. Personally, I'd say it's Classic Rock. From Led Zeppelin to The Doors there's bound to be at least one song that you love from this particular genre.

Classic rock still makes appearances in modern pop culture, whether it be a television ad, TV show or movie. People still seem to hold these songs dear and close to heart. Where most music seems to stay in the relative range of the generation they first played for, this genre seems wide spread throughout age groups and time. A certain sort of culture seems to have formed around these pioneers of an era. Music would never have been the same without those who fought against the boundaries and confines of a societal expectation.

So, throughout history people have broken the rules and stretched what society deemed as acceptable. Classic rock is just another example of this pushing of the limits.Some bands, such as AC/DC still do live shows, however only about half of their music I could define as classic. Other's, such as The Beatles, no longer tour. This could be for a couple of reasons, like deaths of members, or simply age stopping them from rocking the stage anymore.

One of the most memorable songs that fall in this category, for me, is 'Immigrant Song' by Led Zeppelin, (although there are literally hundreds that I know and love). There's a certain sound to Led Zeppelin that I've never heard anywhere else. They truly are a unique band and I am more than disappointed that I'll never have the opportunity to see this amazing band live.

(This video is live and therefore the sound quality isn't as good as it could be, but I think it demonstrates the certain pull towards the band)

Another song that stands out of this era for me is 'The House Of The Rising Sun' by The Animals. Although the style differs from Led Zeppelin, I love this song as much as the one previously mentioned. I've listened to many renditions of it and none of them seem to match up to the original. The deep bluesy rock sound in this song is difficult to replicate, and in my opinion, almost impossible to improve on. Each remake has it's own flavour or swing to it, unique in their own rights. However the best take that I've heard (other than the original) was done in the latest American Idol season. This was sung by Haley Reinhart.

(The Animals original)

(Haley Reinhart's rendition)

So, overall, classic rock is a diverse sound which has spread throughout generations. Iconic songs came out of an era where people were pushing the boundaries and fighting constraints. Time has failed to spoil or lessen the effect and attraction of something formed from rebelling. It's shaped styles, thoughts and the future of music. Finally, I believe it'll never quite die, sort of like Motzart.

A Passion Instilled in Me

So another different post than what I said I would put but I find this particular subject more than interesting. Some would say that it's snore worthy but I disagree.

Many people don't realise that art isn't just the thoughts in a persons head. They're not just influenced but the artists basic environment, but the whole society they live in. Okay, so I only know the amount of what they teach in high school, or what I can find while doing research tasks, but this topic thoroughly excites me.

Who could say they knew why Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa with a dramatic style of sfumato? Many can speculate, but who would know? This is why I find art history so interesting. There's some sort of wonder, mystery, about the great works from all those great masters. So there may be some art which I personally have never understood, such as Jackson Pollocks 'Cathedral'. The study of it is what I find interesting, often it isn't even the works themselves I find fascinating. It's more the reasons why a person would make such a work and call it art.

File:Mona Lisa-restored.jpg                 
(Mona Lisa - da Vinci)                                                                 (Cathedral - Pollock)

What drove these artists to create two very different works? First, they were influenced by different time periods. Da Vinci was around during the Italian Renaissance, working mostly in Florence and Rome, whereas Pollock worked during the period of American abstract expressionism, working mostly in Long Island. Both time periods had very different ideas ingrained in their societies.

Humanism and Neo-Platonism were what influenced the culture of Da Vinci's time. Existentialism was the main influence for Pollock. When first reading any of this, if you haven't heard the terms before, it may just seem like gibberish, but really most of the ideas are simple. Most of these ideas which influence art are simply a way in which people aim to understand the world.

The difference in style and technique also differs because of where an artist works. Italy was already a highly developed, old society by the time Da Vinci came around. However, America was still fairly young by the time of Pollock. It's this difference which can be extremely important. Italy already knew its place in the world, where America was still trying to find it. This means that Americans were trying to make a name for themselves, attempting to be identified as separate to the societies in Europe. One way in which to separate themselves was to develop a differing style of art, hence the contrast of technique.

There's always hundreds of influences on art, each one being unique to the time and artist. It would take years to identify and analyse each individual context. For this reason, most historians seem to stick to the major influences, the more obvious ones. Personally, I've found that when you know even a little about an influence on a piece of work, it's far more interesting. Rather than just being a pretty image on the wall, it's a mix of different aspects of psychology.

It becomes even more exciting when you get to see one of the works that you've been studying. I had this privilegde when I went to see an art exibition in Te Papa, one of the museums in Wellington. The European Masters exibition came to New Zealand and it was put on my must do list. Not only did it make me able to say that I've seen a real life Picasso (which it did), I also got to see works which I'd studied earlier that year in school. I was more than extatic when I realised I'd see works I knew.

I became my sisters walking encyclopedia, spouting out facts about the works and movements we were seeing. When offered an audio encyclopedia for hire, she put her arm around my shoulders saying, 'I've got mine right here'. It made the experiance not only exciting because of my interest in the works, but another way for my sister and I to develop our relationship.

For the rest of that day I was bubbly, on a slight high from wonder. Seeing the works over a power point did them no justice. I was unable to see the depth of the style, the line in which the artist formed his figures. The works weren't only a picture, they were a whole other world that I could get lost in for hours that I unfortunatly did not have. Degas' obsession over dancers could draw one in. His passion for the subject was tangible on the canvas. Almost as if he'd spent his whole life in that one moment.

I would tell anyone going to see art to do their research. It makes the experiance more... full. I could talk for hours about art, whatever the sort. Maybe, hopefully, I'll be able to instill a passion in at least on person, or maybe even an interest to know that little bit more.


I'm a high school student due to start University at the beginning of next year. I'll be studying a bachelor of midwifery, which is a three year full time course.
I also aspire to become a recognised author and be able to share my work with the world.
Over time I will post parts of my books for people to sample and I encourage feedback on them. Peoples comments will help me to develop my writing style and hopefully appeal to a wider ranger of readers.

I grew up on a large property and in a large family. Six years ago my family and I moved to the city and all our lives changed. Our family grew when my mum remarried and we all had to adapt to a situation which could often be trying. I have eleven siblings (from both sides of my family) and this has forced a good understanding of how people interact. I believe strongly in the equality that should exist in society and have done some work in my school community to help promote this.

Writing and music are two of the most important things in my life as to date and I often find myself surrounded by people with similar ideas and interests to me. I will also post names of songs that I think people should hear, with the hope that they will enjoy them as well. I'm more than aware that my tastes will not match everyones out there so I will do my best to get a wide range of genres and artists to share.

Part of a Dream

Alright, time for some more of my writing. I do ask, please, that people leave comments on this work. This is an original of my own and the concept came out of a dream which I had about a year ago. After much prompting from my sister I started writing it, finding the process a lot more enjoyable than I had first expected it to be. Originally my sister and I were in the places of the main characters, only one of which of shown in the following extract.

(self-made cover for this story)

We rounded a corner and he slammed on the brakes. There was a car in the middle of the road.
“Stay in the car.” He said and reached across me into the glove box. He pulled out a gun and tucked it into the back of his pants. I undid my seat belt but did as he asked. He got out of the car and about thirty people walked around from the far side of the other car.
“Shit.” I said and a helicopter flew overhead. Barney looked up at it and shook his head. It disappeared into the clouds. Suddenly there was a huge crash from the door behind me and the car shook. I whirled around to see a man trying to open the door. I panicked. All I had was a pocketknife.
I scrambled out of the drivers side and ran in the opposite direction of all the people. I realised moments too late that I would have been safer in the car than out here. It only took me half a second too long to realise that most of these people were vampires. If help didn’t come Barney and I were history.
The man who'd tried to get into the car appeared in front of me when I was about two hundred meters from the car. He grabbed my shirt and lifted me up.
“Not even your friends from the Vatican can help you now.” He said. I screamed and my crucifix spilled out of my shirt. It flared to life. There was myth about crosses glowing around vampires but this was the first that I had seen it. He dropped me and scrambled back.
Somewhere to the left I heard a helicopter land. I got up and kept running, pulling out my pocketknife from my pocket. I flipped it open, ready to use it if I had to. Another man that I didn’t know stopped in front of me.  He grabbed me around the waist then threw me to the ground too fast for me to react.
He kicked the knife out of my hand then pinned me.
“You pissed them off, so now they’re giving you to me. All young and fresh” He said and Castiel threw him away from me. I got up. The man looked over at Castiel and got into a defensive crouch.
“Get to the helicopter.” Castiel ordered and I nodded. I could just see the outline of it in one of the paddocks only about fifty meters away.
I ran and clambered over the fence that stood between safety and me. Lee came sprinting into view. He saw me and relaxed a bit.
“Come on!” He screamed and helped me climb into the back of the helicopter. He strapped me in and scrambled into the front. Slowly we lifted off and flew towards the action. He turned a floodlight on and everyone froze except those who were expecting it.
Everyone who was on our side managed to break away from the fight and Lee flew the Helicopter low enough for them all to jump in. We took off before anyone was even buckled in. Zebra put a set of headphones over my ears that had a little microphone thing on them that sat by my mouth. Castiel walked into the front and talked to Lee for a moment.
Zebra strapped himself in across from me and Barney sat on my left. Everyone put the little headset like things on and Castiel sat down to my right.
“Why did you get out of the car?” He asked but I couldn’t tell if he was annoyed or happy.
“They were trying to get in. I panicked.” I said and he nodded.
“What I don’t get is why they’re after her.” Lee said over the headset.
“She’s too good at identifying what they are, and too innocent for her own good.” Castiel said and he sounded annoyed now.
“Hello! I can hear you.” I said and Castiel looked at me a bit disapprovingly. I refused to cower under his gaze. This wasn’t my fault.
“Why don’t you try cutting her a little slack boss? She’s handling this better than any of us would have before our training.” Barney said and I smiled a bit over at him. He nodded his head in recognition.
“The sooner she’s trained the better; she’s a danger to us all until then.” Zebra said quietly and I looked at him. He looked back at me a bit hostile. I looked down at the floor. I didn’t understand why he was looking at me like that.
“What did that thing say to you before I came alone?” Castiel asked and I looked at him. His face was blank, void of any emotion.
“That I pissed them off so they gave me to him.” I said and he watched me carefully.
“Is that all?” He asked, his voice and expression were back to being blank. I thought about it for a moment. It was all that was relevant, right?
“Pretty much” I said and swallowed. Castiel shook his head. I looked back at the floor.
“Why did they send so many?” Lee asked quietly.
“Cause they didn’t want her slipping through their hands again.” Zebra said coarsely.

Please comment on this, no matter what your veiws on this work is.

Renegade Fighter

Zed. This New Zealand band has partly shaped what my musical tastes would form as. Their song 'Renegade Fighter' is well known within the environment that I live. Personally I find it empowering. Although the lyrics aren't exactly encouraging strength I still find that it has that effect.

Recorded in 2000, this song has been a part of my life for more than a decade. Personally I love this song and Zed's overall sound. This song has almost made it to the standard of being iconic for New Zealand music. It's most recent appearance in New Zealand pop culture is the latest ad for Rebel Sport. Unfortunately I've been unable to find this ad on uTube so am unable to place it within this post.
For this ad the song has been cut but the way it was done helps to reinforce the feeling of power it instills within me. If anyone is ever looking for a song which is easy to listen to and has a nice sound, I would recommend Renegade Fighter to them.

Breaking Benjamin

This is a band which I've listened to for years but only recently realised just how much of their work I knew. Personally, my favourite Breaking Benjamin album is 'Saturate' although my favourite song by this band, 'The Diary of Jane' is on the album 'Phobia'.

Recently I've been listening to their music more and more. The more I listen to it, the more i enjoy their sound. With the voice of Benjamin Burney fronting the band it has a very unique tone. I love this man's voice and find it extremely distinct.
With their unique sound they stand out although their style may not fit in with everyone's taste. This band is of an alternative rock style. with some of their songs being heavier than others it does suit the tastes of most people who enjoy rock.


There's little doubt in my mind that at some stage you've heard a song with the title 'Hero' or even if it's just one part of the title. Many artists of any genre choose to use this for their music. Whether your preferred genre be pop, rock, country or rap there's almost no way that you don't know and love a song with at least one reference to heroism.

Could artists be using the idea of heroism to draw listeners to their music, or is the idea of a hero simply entrenched into the psyche of our society? Some will argue that it's a form of marketing. Others will insist that it's just on the minds of the songwriter when they are writing the music. Either way, what defines a hero?

One of the songs which I think illustrates a modern hero is 'My Hero' first recorded by the Foo Fighters. The line that I think allows the idea of an ordinary person being a hero to be acceptable sits in the chorus of the song.

"There goes my hero, watch him as he goes,
There goes my hero, he's ordinary"

This set of lines is sung several time in the song and almost helps to put an emphasis on the idea that an ordinary person can be a hero. Personally I prefer the cover of this done by 'Paramore' for the 'Sound of Superman' album. It just seems to flow better and is easier for me to sing (which I think is the main reason why I like it more).

unfortunately there isn't a proper video for this song

Another song that I think illustrates the idea of an ordinary hero well is 'Hero' by 'Skillet'. Although I don't think it is quite as obvious in the lyrics of the song, I thought it was very easy to see this idea in their music video.

'Hero' by Nickelback's Chad Kroeger featuring 'Saliva's' lead vocalist Josey Scott also holds the idea of heroism. However, this song doesn't specify what sort of hero was being sung about. Personally I feel this is because the song was for the first 'Spiderman' movie. As this film is about an ordinary person who was only able to become a hero after a spider bite, it would in some was defeat the idea of the movie to say in it's featured track that anyone can be a hero if they wanted to be.

A movie which I saw recently, although a few years old, that I found interesting was all about a mans track to becoming a hero. 'Unbreakable' staring Bruce Willis and Samuel L Jackson was better than I expected it to be. Being a fan of both men's works I didn't have exactly low expectations but the preview did it no justice. For anyone looking for a movie that's got a bit of a twist, but not too heavy, I'd recommend this.