An Amazing Woman

A video on YouTube which was uploaded recently has gone viral and I find appalling. It's a group of boys who bullied a school bus monitor. Using hundreds of insults ranging from her weight to threats to stab her, this amazing woman just sits there and takes it all, with only a small number of retorts, all of which are nothing compared to the boys insults.

This woman, Karen Klein, 68, went through something that she never should have.

This may not be your typical case of bullying, but it's bullying all the same. This sort of thing has to stop. This video is ten minutes of horrid language and cruelty towards this woman. Parents need to stand up and take responsibility for the parenting of their children. Denial can no longer stand by and watch this culture of bullying within society. Please do something to stop these bullying situations.

On a last word, I want to say to Karen that she is a truly amazing woman. All across the world we're supporting you, and you'll never be without a shoulder.


Hi all, I'm not sure if many of you will have realised how little I've been posting recently, as I'm not certain how many of you are repeat visitors (if you are, thanks heaps). My absolute lack of consistent posting is mostly due to how busy university life has kept me. When assignments and tests are piled on I tend to neglect my blogging duties (sorry about that). Currently, as I'm sitting in my favourite campus coffee shop I'm procrastinating, and blogging is an amazing way to do this.

Exams have appeared in my life again and I'm dreading the amount of study I still have to go. I've sat three out of four exams but my hardest one is the one that I have left. Somehow I just can't bring myself to study for it, and that makes me wonder if many people are masters of procrastination like myself. I do, however, have a small excuse, I have only half an hour ago, walked out of my only exam for this week.

I do think I need to somehow thank the people responsible for my exam timetable though. It's been great. I've had almost a week between each exam, and although that means the whole thing is drawn out more, it also means that I can undertake more focused study between my exams and it's helped minimise my stress level.

Anyway, enough of the irrelevant, I wanted to ask you all, how many of you are repeat watches and if you've only just found me, how did you do so? Please help me make my posting more interesting by leaving comments bellow and help me to know what sort of people this blog appeals to, if any.