Three More Days

Including today, it's only a mere three days until I go on study leave and be done with lectures for the rest of the year. I can't tell you how insane that feels, but it does make me wonder what life will be like next year. I'm changing my course completely, even moving faculties  as I'm finding the art history here far too basic. I'm loosing my passion for it and I can't let that happen.
Wednesdays are my days which I use to tie up any loose ends. For most of the day I'm alone, so I have a lot of time to do nothing much. It's my day to finish any study I should have already done, write blog posts if I feel I have anything to say, and just generally organize things. Sitting downstairs in the business building drinking coffee is pretty much what my day looks like, if you throw the laptop into the mix anyway.
For some reason, today has inspired me to have a look at the year just been and the one that could be coming up. Very soon it will be my little sisters seventeenth birthday and that's made me realize that I don't actually have that much time up my sleeve. Time has passed so quickly.
Maybe it was seeing an ex who I haven't seen in a long time, or noticing the difference in my own attitude which has sparked my inspiration, but whatever it is, I've decided one thing.
I don't want to waste another moment stressing about what others think of me or being too hard on myself. I want to be my own person. I want to live my life the way I deserve to and not feel bad for that. I also want to spread a little advise. It has helped me this year, although I haven't always been good at practicing it.

Take every moment as it comes and live life the way you want to live it, not how someone else convinces you should. 

Of course this advise is relative, I mean, don't go out hurting people because I worded it wrong, but be who you actually are, not who you tell other people you are. 

Sick of Being Slow

With the start of University this year I bought a laptop with some of my loan. It's taken me a while, but I've finally gotten around to getting rid of Internet Explorer and moved onto using Google Chrome. So far, even though it's only been a few days, I like the change. It is mostly because Chrome somewhat resembles the apple browser Safari, which I love. I've tried Safari for windows but didn't enjoy it at all. There's something about the compatibility with the windows operating system which simply isn't as nice when it's on a mac computer. 
Anyway, I've been finding a lot more user friendly browser than explorer. Technically I knew it was going to be better, but I'd never used it before. It's nice and simple to use and everything seems to be in a logical place. I have spoken to a couple of people who prefer explorer, but the majority I've talked to about that topic prefer Chrome. I'm quickly finding that I should have changed sooner. 
To anyone still stuck using Explorer who might be finding it annoying, like I was, and want an easy alternative, I'd recommend giving Chrome a thought.