Another installment

This extract is from one of my stories that a blogged about a few months back titled 'The Vatican'. The following is from earlier in the story line than the previous extract.

“Get a knife.” Iwhispered softly and she nodded, getting one of the few knives that were in theroom. I walked up to the door and looked back at Abigail. She stood slightlybehind me and to the side, out of the view of the door if it opened. She wouldbe ready if anyone tried to hurt me.
I opened the door acrack to see three men standing looking at me.
“We don’t mean youany harm.” They said softly.
“Prove it.” I saidand Abigail raised the knife a little, she looked ready to stab someone at anysignal. The man closest reached into his pocket and pulled out a little leathercase like thing. It looked as if it was designed to hold an FBI badge orsomething similar.
He flipped it openand handed it to me. I almost expected not to know what it was. I did however.It was the Vatican coat of arms. Maybe my interest in history could serve mewell tonight.
On the top of it, inred and yellow writing, it said Vatican City. Underneath it had the Latin motto‘Status Civitatis Vaticanae’. I steered at it for a moment. On the other sideof the case it said in plain black writing, ‘Swiss Guard, PreternaturalDivision’.
I looked up at themand there expressions hadn’t changed.
“Satisfied?” heasked. I pause and handed it to Abigail. She looked down at it then froze.
“You’re shitting usright?” I asked and his lips twitched.
“No, I am notshitting you.” He said in a bland voice. I burst out laughing. He had justquoted ‘Terminator 3, Raise of the Machines’. He looked at me sideways but Ithink the guy behind him understood. He smiled but then hid his face.
The smiler was aboutAbigail’s height, five’ seven’’. The guy whose badge I had was about six’five’’. The other guy was between the two and nothing seemed to move him fromhis solemn expression. He was built like nothing else as well.
“I’m Castiel, thisis Zebra and Barney.” The tall guy said motioning towards the short guy thenthe bulky guy. Abigail snickered at the second name and I did my best to keep astraight face.
“Right” I said butdidn’t move. I handed back his badge.
“May we come in toask you some questions?” Castiel asked politely. I looked across at Abigail andshe shrugged.
“Hang onto that.” Isaid to her and moved to the side. They came in and all eyed the knife in Abigail’shand in turn.
“You’re not takingany chances are you?” Zebra asked and we both shook our heads. I sat down on mybed next to my suitcase. Slowly I reached into it and got out my pocketknife,hiding it up my sleeve. I had the same feeling about Castiel that I did aboutthe guy who attacked us earlier.
“Hey Barney, do youever burst into a dinosaur?” Abigail asked and he looked at her with a boredexpression.
“You realise he’sheard it all before don’t you?” Castiel said with a small smile, apparently hefound it funny too.
“What do you want?”I asked defensively.
“To protect you andfind out who attacked you.” Barney said and I shrugged.
“Don’t know hisname.” I said and they nodded.
“We didn’t expectyou to. We just thought that you could give us some sort of description ofhim.” Barney replied.
“Hot.” Abigail saidand we all looked at her. She grinned sheepishly. “What?” Castiel smiled thenturned back to me.
“Next time you’re onthe run try not to use your credit card.” He said and I nodded.
“I didn’t reallyhave a choice. I thought a motel room would be more secure than sleeping in thecar.” I said and he nodded.
“We should get thetwo of you home. We have the perimeter sealed off. You’ll be safer there, andwe’ll be able to protect you easier.” Barney said and I nodded. I zipped up mysuitcase and Abigail grabbed hers.
“I’ll go get in thecar.” She said and I nodded. She walked for the door and I went to lift mysuitcase off the bed. It pulled on my shoulder.
“Fuck.” I said undermy breath and dropped it.
“What’s wrong?” Castielasked and I shook my head.
“That damn assholebit me.” I said and he looked sideways at me.
“Take your shirtoff.” He ordered.
“Excuse me.” Ireplied and he rolled his eyes.
“I just want to seehow bad it is, nothing dodgy, I swear.” He said and held his hands up. Ithought about it for a moment. I sighed.
“Nothing dodgy” Iasked quietly.
“I promise.” Hereplied and I sighed again lifting my shirt over my head. I was glad that thebra I wore hid almost everything. He walked up to me and turned my head to theside away from the bite. He put the side of his finger beside the bite and Idrew my breath in with a sharp hiss.
“Shit, that looksbrutal.” Zebra said softly. Abigail stood waiting by the door, looking slightlyamused. I stuck my tongue out at her and she grinned.
Castiel stepped awayfrom me and I put my top back on.
“I’ll dress itproperly for you when we get you back to your place.” He said and we left themotel. God I was glad to be rid of the place. 

Copyright Alyssa Hill

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