
Perhaps for those who find motivation easy, this post may not relate to you. However, it could also help provide some insight into what it's like to struggle to find reasons to get things done. For those of you who do find it difficult to find motivation, then hopefully this post could give some suggestions on how to find some.

For me, motivation does not come naturally. It can be difficult for me to find reasons to continue with something I find difficult. It's not necessarily the fact that I find it difficult, but more the fact that it's difficult for me to stay engaged. If something doesn't interest me, or challenge me, I'll find it difficult to stick with it. If this sounds like you, please keep reading. I've recently found ways to help myself keep motivated.

The best way I've found to keep myself interested on a task is to give myself a schedule. If I plan my time then I find it a lot easier to stick with what I need to get done. If I know what I have to do, but don't have a plan, then I'll procrastinate. My procrastination leads to stress which in turn leads to more procrastinating. For me, not having a plan turns into a vicious cycle. If I plan all my time, I know what needs to get done and when I need to have it done.

For other people, making a schedule doesn't work so well. For these types of people I think it's important to keep in mind that there are other ways to make sure you get everything done. Some thrive on pressure and leave everything to the last minute. What I think is most important for these people, is to explain that to others. I've watched as others, who didn't understand this thought, judge those who work this way. Those of us who need to plan need to accept that not everyone works like this. Stressing about someone else is not going to help you.

My last note would be to those who need the help. If you find yourself struggling with motivation, find ways to create interest in what you're doing, but also make sure you're having time for yourself. Go listen to some music. Sit down and read a book for half an hour before bed. Whatever it is that you find calming, make time for that. Personally I think this is very important for parents. I've listened to parents of young children scoff at the thought of having time for themselves, but, you can not look after someone else if you're not looking after yourself.

If you need help, do the research. Deficiency in vitamins and minerals can make life difficult, as well as underlined problems which haven't been addressed. Do some googling and find a way to get through, because there is a way. Also, support those who need it, you'll feel better about who you are at the end of the day if you do.

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