
After a relatively short discussion with a good friend I realised something. I, as a consumer, seem to be sucked in by the big brands. My apple desktop which is in sever need of an update, was once top of the line, even if I didn't get it new. My Hewlett Packard laptop was best value for money and often considered top of the line for what it is. Even my iPod was made by the computer giant apple.
Not only do I buy the big products, but I use the big brands online as well. Google is my go to search engine and holds my emails, blogs and occasional document. Facebook is my main way to stay in contact with friends who have moved away for various different reasons. Twitter is my way of staying up to date with the world around me.

Realising this made me think for a moment about the type of power these companies hold. I'm a devoted apple user, and would own only their products if I could. I've only moments installed Google Drive in a hope to have another backup of my documents. Without these products, what would I do? I wouldn't be able to ensure the safety of my writing and my understanding of computers would be far more limited. The big technology companies have a hold on us all. We need them, but they need us too. Without customer satisfaction, no one would use their products.
The competition between these companies drives capitalism but it also drives new advancements within technology and how we live. My last point I would like to make, is one to make you think. Eventually, with all these new progresses in technology, will we still be able to live without them. Will, one day, the human race be unable to survive without technology?

A Familiar Difference

As my second semester begins I'm faced with a new timetable, new textbooks and a different schedule that I'm going to have to adjust to. On one hand my timetable is amazing, because I don't start most days till one, meaning I can sleep in, and I've also got Fridays off, but on the other hand, I don't finish until two hours later than last semester, and the lectures I have are all one after another each day, leaving pretty well no time to get from one end of the campus to the other between my lectures.

Anyway, none of this is really important, what actually is, is the activities that the new semester brings. Today they're setting up skiing by shipping in snow to the quad area of the university. There are also events which solely people who have a university ID card can enter, such as a concert by a couple of local musicians.

What seems to be the most surprising for me, however, is that coming back from a substantial break, I feel as if I haven't had a break at all. Not exactly in the sense that I'm tired, but that everything is so familiar. I know where I can go to have a quiet place, or sit down and do some work on my laptop, like writing this post for example. I also know how long it takes to get places. At the start of last semester, everything took twice as long because I had no idea where anything was. Now, I can walk down the street knowing exactly where I'm going, and if need be, what buses will get me where.

With my daily routine consisting of lectures, study and hanging out with friends, it makes me wonder how this would change. I know there was a huge difference between university and high school, so does that mean, there's going to be a huge change between university and full time work?

Anyway, what I wanted to do with this post was to get people to think about their own lives, their routines, schedules and daily rituals. Are you happy in your life? If your not, what can you do to change it? If you are, how can you make it even better for you and those who love you? I hope everyone can find their little piece of happiness, and know that wherever you are, someone loves and cares about you.